Category: Revue Style Newsletter

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #8

    LOVE ? Portal My dictionary description pick: A doorway, gate, or other entrance, especially a large and imposing one. My View of Compromise – Compromise is important because it saves energy, however, in that mode, it is not likely that either party involved in the conflict will be completely satisfied, victorious. Compromise should always…

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #7

    Seeking True Beliefs Spin “Turn or cause to turn or whirl round quickly.” – My dictionary pick The Gap of Discord Between Fossil Fuels and Renewables Supporters Renewables generate more energy than is used in their production, and produce fewer emissions than other power sources over their lifetime […]

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #6

    Blogging for a number of years. End of the Year 2021 Review Nice to be here with y’all that you made it till the end of the year. What a year it was — I stood up many times for preventing inequality, for freedom, and for poor people, mostly on Twitter. At this stage I’m analyzing […]

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #5

    Happy Seasonal Holidays 2021 y’all. Aurora My dictionary description pick: A natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, especially near the northern or southern magnetic pole. Please note that the image has a low depiction value […]

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #4

    Oh my, oh my, I’m still standing, still rolling the letters. Masters My dictionary description pick: Gain control of; overcome. 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference – COP26 »It’s time to go into emergency mode.«António Guterres, Secretary-General of the UN. -But what does it even mean? Is it playing AWorld every day or something…

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #3

    Love is like a moment, it’s hard to keep it. Montenegro and Country Code Top-level Domain gccTLD in Nowadays Unrest Times What is the .me domain and is there any link with troubles elevating from Montenegro nowadays, considering true sovereignists? Will all sort of wicked smart visualizations bring down plain resourcefulness altogether? […]

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #2

    I am an artist in Zagreb, Croatia. Shaw Academy, Public Open University Zagreb | Visit my intro website Art Peace Luka Jagor – Digital Art Tranquility Luka Jagor – Digital Art Artsteps Luka Jagor’s Latest Artwork 2021 – VR Online Exhibition (work in progress) […]

  • Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #1

    Celestial Luka Jagor – Digital Art Author Luka Jagor: Exclusive »Ruling Doctrine« Promotional Teaser – My New Novelette Is Coming Out – a Fictional Tale – Updating… Suddenly an alarm sounded, the sky reddened in broad daylight, explosions were heard, and the ground shook. Lino hurried […]