Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #6


Monthly newsletter of Luka Jagor – Issue #6

Blogging for a number of years.

At this stage I’m analyzing where did I all do wrong in my blogging, considering the end of the year review.

Flirting with those ideological and real-world themes should produce undoubtable laws, one should always take all the aspects into consideration, mount my blogger website a holistic, rather than bite-bite approach. Variety in writing is good, but also I want to live up to my blog posts, which can be really difficult.

I will continue to make some genuine authentic content no matter what critics say — I suppose, that the paper endures everything.

Wishing you all the best in the future and let destiny relieve us of all the problems.

End of the Year 2021 Review

Happiness depends upon ourselves.

— Aristotle

Happiness derives from dopamine, serotonin.

— Science

Happiness is a lifestyle without vices.

— Luka Jagor
People, let’s make it a routine ?

Long live freedom.






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